Distance publishes, archives and compiles collective experiments. By publishing sound and visual works, it aims to be the pollen that disperses and preserves unexpected struggles, surprising materials and the stories and research they contain. Website email instagram
Amicale artistique de la menterie et du canular
Eng The Artistic Residency of Lies and Hoaxes, initiated by the Regional Federation of Amateur Lies, offers creative and research opportunities at the Loupillon estate, located in the south of Lot-et-Garonne. Since 2023, it has hosted artists and writers dedicated to exploring disguised truths. This residency culminates in the summer with an artistic and poetic […]
Plus de gens sont artistes que moi albatros
ENG Plus de gens sont artistes que moi albatros (More people are artists than I am albatross).is a corpus bringing together various texts, performance transcriptions, and drawings created during my research on the status of the artist. Created in collaboration with artist Tzuchun Ku, graphic designers Paul Bouigue and Timothée Casili, as well as with […]