faire zzz!brum

ENG Performance on the mouth sounds we use to communicate and on the anecdotes we too often forget. FR Performance sur les sons de bouche qui nous servent à communiquer et sur les anecdotes qu’on oublie trop souvent Archive

ENG … is a blend of punk in exile, a jazz drummer, a military band saxophonist, a Burmese violinist, and a cuica player from Clermont-Ferrand. A fusion of free jazz, punk, and spoken word, the concerts are never far from lettrist performance art, the demise of good taste, and the exhaustion of innocent melodies. – Mitya […]
Boogie(a) Woogie(B)

ENG …collapses before even getting started.Disappointing and clumsy, the duo consisting of Yves Bartlett and Lucas Boutignon has been presenting a concert that is constantly regressing since 2018. The group is the result of musical explorations for one and artistic explorations for the other. As spectators of a saturation of influences from a generation that […]
Soleil Gras

ENG … is a multi-headed monster formed in 2019. A blend of lounge music and the electrifying swing of a late-career Claude François, this monster combines costume creation, scenography, and contemporary poetry with ever-evolving musical experiments. FR …Soleil Gras est un monstre à plusieurs têtes modelé en 2019. Mélange de musique lounge et du swing […]